Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Get back on the horse

In an effort to move on I have been really trying to figure out some outlets (healthy ones) to meet new people. After searching online for possible social groups all I have come up with is church and possibly Weight Watchers.

I have started church shopping but haven't really found the right combination of a sermon that is not too much fire and brimstone speak and a congregation where I could see fitting in. The first church I went to there were too many old people. Second church the minister had a little too much pep early in the morning with a dash of judgement. The third church was too small. So the search continues.

Weight Watchers stems from my need to take control, have a little support in the perpetual battle and at least interact with adults one evening a week. With that said I don't think I'm ready....

I am a firm believer in dealing with one problem at a time so I don't get overwhelmed and feel buried by life but each day that goes by it becomes more of a glaring problem. Now, along with having control over all other major decisions in my life I also have control over what comes into the house, what I ingest, blah, blah, blah. Even so I am still waiting to really mentally punish myself for not getting my ass in gear. I don't know what I'm waiting for but I hope I reach that point soon. My ass isn't getting any smaller while I wait.

Maybe it will be the point when I realize I need to lose a couple pounds to comfortably take my wedding ring off.....whenever that is. It is that last symbol of the life I thought I would have and even though I don't give two shits about what people think of me I judge myself. I felt/ feel comfort with these bands on my fingers even though it is completely false.

This post is veering terribly off the course I saw it going, so I will leave you with two questions:

Where do you/ did you meet new people when you know no one and live in a smaller town?

When do you take off you wedding ring?


Anonymous said...

im not sure exactly where you are in alabama, but try meetup.com for book clubs, knitting groups, sports clubs, and more fun ways to meet people. i just joined a book club in ny through it and i will let you know how it goes next month!

i_love_lampp said...

i heard something on the radio the other day about singles. i'll listen out for it the next couple of days. i know you're just trying to meet people but bill and i met on cupid.com. just a thought- for when you're ready. :) it was so good to talk to you today. i really hope we can plan to get together one weekend soon. let me know when you're available.

Sizzle said...

is there a craig's list that posts groups or volunteer opportunities? when i moved to seattle i met people through my job and through taking classes. my sister tried starting a mommy and kid group because she felt isolated as a new mom. it helped while people showed up.

i don't know when the "right" time is to remove your wedding ring. i've never been married or engaged. but you'll know when it feels right. when you no longer feel married in your heart, why keep it on?

Becky said...

Is there a newcomers club in your area? You could also try mom's groups like MOPs or something like that but I don't know how taht would go with your work schedule.