Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hey, you.....yeah you

To my beloved readers (all three of you), thank you for joining me. I'm sorry for not posting more often but I have been busy mourning the fact that my baby is no longer a baby. Can you believe they told me she can eat and drink anything? Cows milk people, they want her drinking cows milk.... don't they know I just spent $50 on toddler formula....damn doctors, what do they know. They also said she can sit in a forward facing car seat, like a big girl (sob, sob).

So enough about my child and down to the nitty gritty. I know there are several people who read the blog and NEVER comment! Today is for you.

The Great Mofo Delurk 2007

You can find this button on

For some reason I get extreme joy when I know people are reading AND commenting. The funny part is that those of you who know me in the flesh are the biggest culprits. Yes you have to register to comment but then it is fun, fun, fun!

Those of you who have your own blogs, I thank you for writing and I promise to make an effort to be an active commenter and not a MoFo Lurker!


Amy said...

Just call me a de-lurking MOFO!

Sizzle said...

you know i am here and i can't resist commenting. i usually have to pipe in somehow. ;)

dawn224 said...

I lurk you sometimes...

Mrs. Flinger said...

I'm back! I'm back! HI! :-) I don't get to comment as much as I want. Those dang kids. :0)

amber, theambershow said...

hey, i would have commented, but i was away... and i read you every day (that you have something new, that is).